Dear members of the congregation and our friends
The congregations of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EECL) manage their activity themselves. The state does not support the congregations, which makes the latter independent, but their management is insecure and depends on the benevolence of contributors.
The members of the EELC congregations follow the good practice of making contributions in the amount of at least 1 per cent of the annual income. It can be paid all at once or in parts, either in cash to the office of the congregation or by bank transfer. Tartu St Mary’s Congregation has recommended that their members conclude a standing order agreement with a bank. This way the timely payments are ensured and certain monthly amounts make it easier for the congregation to balance the expenses of management.
Bank details of the congregation
Beneficiary: EELK Tartu Maarja kogudus
* Swedbank: EE922200221005116309
* SEB: EE151010220041155014
The graph below shows the number of contributing members of Tartu St Mary’s congregation for the last years.

EELC Tartu St Mary’s Congregation and Tartu St Mary’s Church Foundation are entered in the list of non-profit associations, foundations and religious associations benefiting from income tax incentives.
Special-purpose donation for the restoration of the church:
* Beneficiary: Tartu Maarja Kiriku Sihtasutus
* Swedbank EE132200221021269201