Tartu St Mary’s Church Foundation

The foundation Tartu Maarja Kiriku SA (Tartu St Mary’s Church Foundation) was founded on 17 January 2003 by the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELC) St Mary’s Congregation and the Deanery of Tartu. The objective of the foundation is the restoration of the former St Mary’s Church located at 1 Pepleri Street, Tartu, which was used as a gym of the Estonian Academy of Agriculture until August 2009.

The foundation is governed by the supervisory board, which plans the foundation’s activity and organises its management. The meetings of the supervisory board are held when necessary, but at least twice a year. The supervisory board has 9 to 11 members. Five to seven of them are appointed by the management board of the congregation. The Deanery of Tartu, Tartu City Government, Luunja and Kambja Rural Municipality Government each appoint one member.

The foundation is managed and represented by the management board, which has up to three members. The authority of both governing bodies of the foundation lasts for three years.

The foundation may receive funds and donations from any physical and private persons. All received funds and donations are transferred to the bank account of the foundation or kept by the cashier.

Members of the Supervisory Board:

Urmas Klaas (Tartu), chairman
Aivar Aleksejev (Kambja)
Aare Anderson (Luunja)
Ants Tooming (congregation)
Steffen Manfred Noe (congregation)
Timo Švedko (congregation)
Toomas Savi (congregation)
Sirje Semm (congregation)
Aadu Must (congregation)
Priit Kama (congregation)

In the brackets, the entity who appointed the member has been specified.

Members of the Management Board:

Silvia Leiaru

E-mail: silvia.leiaru(at)eelk.ee
Telephone: +372 5665 0956

Contacts of the foundation

Õpetaja tn 5, 51003 TARTU. Telephone: +372 734 1111. E-mail: sihtasutus.maarja(at)eelk.ee

Bank details of  Tartu Maarja Kiriku Sihtasutus (Tartu St Mary’s Church Foundation)
IBAN: Swedbank EE13 2200 2210 2126 9201 / SWIFT kood/BIC: HABAEE2X

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